When I see Dave wheeling Mom’s Spaghetti, his total-measurement Ford, it tends to make me smile. I imply I’m a Chevrolet guy so I’d possibly select some other overall body type, but this detail is dead uncomplicated, kinda unpleasant, and all the crucial stuff is underneath it. I dig this detail and want a thing similar. As he’s been finding completely ready for up coming week’s Easter Jeep Safari in Moab, he’s been examining issues off the checklist that Mom’s Spaghetti wanted and right now it is seats, console, and a handful of other tweaks.

Movie Description:

Mom’s Spaghetti Necessary some at ease seating and better storage.. This episode proceeds on the preparing for Easter Jeep Safari in Moab Utah. New new PRP seats, tailor made fabrication of mounts, 38″ Falken Wildpeak R/T Tires, Tuffy middle console, and Baja Designs lights. All in a single episode. It was a active few days!

If you are all over Moab for EJS 2024 make absolutely sure to stop. by the Bestop Kickoff get together. Monday march 25 at 4:30pm. In the Parking lot just at the rear of the Meals Truck region. Downtown.
